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Brine Shrimp Eggs for 500mL of water -1 pack - Pre-Measured

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State:   NSW
City:   Silverwater
Street:   103 Beaconsfield Street
Post Code:   2128
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Email Address:   orders@fanstorm.com

Brine Shrimp Eggs  for 500mL of water -1  pack - Pre-Measured
MORE THAN 200,000 eggs in each packet
These eggs are premium quality, sourced from the Great Salt Lake in Utah, America. 
Our pre-measured brine shrimp egg packs contain the perfect amount of eggs to get your hatch up and running quickly. 
Skip the fiddly measuring and start hatching straight away.
Our pre-measured brine shrimp eggs are packed in 
 to protect them from moisture and ensure you get quality eggs.
We do not use plastic zip lock food bags for the eggs as they DO NOT protect the eggs properly
and may allow moisture into the eggs due to poor sealing.

One foil packet of pre measured Brine shrimp eggs eggs for 500ml of water 
A brine shrimp  hatching  and  growing  manual  is  provided with  the brine shrimp  

About Brine Shrimp

Brine shrimp are a nutritious and easy to raise food for tropical fish, marine fish, corals and marine life.
Newly hatched brine shrimp are excellent for fry (baby fish).
Brine shirmp are also good for picky eaters who only take live food

Please Note!
Aquabuy is a licened importer of Brine (Artimia) eggs,  
Australian Department of Agriculture Import Permit number 0002491385

To order please pay $2.25 to  - paypal.me/fanstorm - 
then send an email to orders@fanstorm.com with your address and payment details


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