Latest News


Tools category added

this has been added for  "Power Tools", "Hand Tools" and "Garden Tools"

We have not added  sub-categories yet but will watch this section and add them later if  needed.

We have added a "featured" option so you can leave your listing featured till sold.

Add your products for free or push them by featuring them.


Change the look of your site
Change the look of the site to the way you like.

A new feature has been added to the site.

After registering and login users can now select the "Settings" tab and change the theme of the site to their preference.
There are 8 themes to choose from which includes "Dark mode"

Users can also change the page layout between "Tree view" or "Category mode"

Register then login and set up the site the way you want. This only applies to your login.

Enjoy. 123sold support

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